Jennifer Kennedy has been staging homes in Edmonton for the last 23 plus years. She started homestaging the homes she was renovating and selling - and saw first hand how well and fast those homes sold. So from that point one she incorporated home staging into her clients homes for resale.
Home staging can be as simple as rearranging what you have, simplifying what you have or starting from a vacant home and creating spaces that make it more sellable and valuable to the buyer(s).
There are also digital options as well with virtual staging. This is less invasive and more economical. We do disclose on the listing if a room has been virtually staged. Typically we will show a room with and without furniture - whether is it actually or virtually staged. This satisfies both options for buyers.
If you are looking at selling and would like a homestaging consult - either in person or hop on a call - please reach out to Jennifer directly at 780-920-0709 or email